All posts by Throne Runner

Core Sets Available!


Because of how new and popular Thrones 2.0 is, it has been increasingly difficult to find stores that have the game stocked.

For those still looking, hit up Book Depository (here) for extremely cheap Core Sets without taxes or shipping!

If you are a new player looking to play competitively, I would suggest purchasing at least two boxes. And why wouldn’t you at such a great price?!

The Throne Awaits


Thank you for all of the support you guys have given me this past year on our Youtube channel. This website was created to help further organize the content that I have been creating for the past little while. Furthermore, I have decided to post my instructional videos as podcasts for those who would rather listen during their commute, or in the background as they work.

Hope you guys enjoy. Let’s keep building this community even further!